Monday, April 4, 2011

Best Broccoli

Broccoli has a bad rep in our society...  In fact, for as much as I LOVE broccoli, I can think of little less appetizing than boiled, mushy florets staring up at me from a plate. 

Broccoli is PACKED FULL of nutrients and health benefits:
  • Vitamin C - aids in iron absorption, prevents development of cataracts, and eases symptoms of a cold
  • Folic acid - helps women sustain normal tissue growth
  • Potassium - aids in battling high blood pressure 
  • Calcium - battles osteoporosis
  • and my #1 favorite thing.... it's full of fiber!  Why is fiber so good for you??  It enhances the gastrointestinal tract and helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels.  Fiber rocks.  (so will your BMs!  Yes, we talk about those here too...)

Broccoli is super cheap (bonus!) and it's one of the easiest items to find in the supermarket year round.  And, thankfully, it's also the easiest vegetable to cook (in my humble opinion...)  What is broccoli's friend in the kitchen??  The microwave!  Yes, throw out your preconceived notions about "microwaving kills nutrients in food" because it's just not always true.  In fact, tough veggies (carrots, broccoli, etc) release MORE nutrients when they're cooked...  So there.

Here's how I do broccoli:
  1. 1lb of broccoli, stems cut off so they're like little trees
  2. place in a glass microwavable bowl, rinse broccoli and drain
  3. sprinkle (generously) with dried onion and garlic.  (Yes, dried.  works way better than fresh for this!)
  4. Cover and microwave on high for 5-6 minutes.
  5. Broccoli should be fork-tender and BRIGHT GREEN when finished!
  6. (more than 1lb of broccoli?  up your time... 5-6 minutes per pound)

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE broccoli. Great post. a blogger after my own broccoli-lovin heart.
