Saturday, February 12, 2011

My favorite breakfast....Cabbage Mess!!

This recipe came to me from a Martha Stewart Living from about a year ago.  Martha calls this "Shredded Sauteed Cabbage" but that is so boring, I had to rename my version...  I had previously only had negative experiences with cabbage but was willing to give it another try.  This is an amazingly nutritious breakfast, easy to customize and very simple to make.  Oh, and did I mention it's cheap???  And amazingly delicious???  Love love love!  Post your reviews after trying it!  Oh, and please forgive the crappy pictures....we need a new camera....

1.  Gather ingredients:
1 tsp Olive Oil
1 medium sweet onion
1 small head of green cabbage, cored and thinly sliced (about 10 cups)
4 red potatoes
1 tomato, or 1 can of diced tomatoes (I almost like the canned better, they're juicy!)
3/4 inch of fresh ginger, peeled and minced
1/4 tsp Thai Seasoning
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
1-1/2 tsp coarse salt
Salt & Pepper to taste
eggs - however many you need to serve people.  We usually do 3 eggs and 2 egg whites for this

(Yep, I forgot to include the tomato in the picture...)

2. Chop your onion, julienne your potatoes (long skinny slices), and shred your cabbage

3.  Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and add the oil, onion and potatoes.  Suaté to soften onion and potatoes, about 5 minutes.  The potatoes should be mostly fork-tender, but still a bit hard in the middle. 

4.  Stir in the tomato and ginger, Thai seasoning and red pepper flakes.  Cook for another 3 minutes

5.   Add the cabbage and 1-1/2 tsp salt.  Stir to combine. Sprinkle 2TBS water over the top. The cabbage will FILL the skillet, but will cook down, so don't be scared to pack it in there...  Cover and reduce heat to medium.  Cook for approximately 13 minutes, stirring occasionally as cabbage begins to collapse.

6.  While cabbage is cooking down, make your eggs however you choose to.  We usually do fried eggs with this and mix 3 whole eggs with 2 egg whites.  Scrambled eggs work great with this recipe and stir in well at the end. 

7.  To serve, pile Cabbage Mess onto a plate and top with eggs...  Salt & Pepper to taste and ENJOY!!

 This breakfast is filled with nutrients and healthy stuff.... Fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals, and you're eating veggies for breakfast, so it's a perfect start to your day!  It's super healthy and delicious...  We always have leftovers which we eat as a side dish with dinner, or take for lunch the next day.  This reheats wonderfully so it makes for a perfect take-to-work lunch!

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