Thursday, March 10, 2011

500 Calorie Diet. SERIOUSLY???

Friends, I have recently become aware of a fad diet called the 500 Calorie Diet.  Perhaps you've heard of it, no??  Intrigued (not to try it, of course, just for curiosities sake) I did some research....  

The 500 Calorie Diet came into being nearly 50 years ago when British-born physician, Dr. Albert T. Simeons, contended that an injection of a certain type of hormone called HCG would enable dieters to subsist comfortably on a 500 calorie per day diet.  His claim was that HCG mobilizes stored fat, suppresses appetite and redistributes fat from the waist, hips and thighs.  While this sounds like a miracle injection (despite only being allowed 500 calories per day) hold yourselves from running out to find the first doctor to shoot you up..... 

First of all, there is NO scientific evidence to support these claims.  
Second of all, HCG is a hormone found in the URINE of pregnant women.  

Sounds kind of disgustingly nasty now, huh? At one time, HCG was the most widespread obesity medication administered in the United States.  (I bet the return clientele needing their weekly injections didn't hurt the popularity among the medical community either...)

In 2009 the American Society of Bariatric Physicians issued a position statement stating the following:
      "Numerous clinical trials have shown HCG  to be ineffectual in producing weight loss.  HCG injections can induce a slight increase in muscle mass in androgen-deficient males.  The diet used in the Simeons method provides a lower protein intake than is advisable in view of current knowledge and practice.  There are few medical literature reports favorable to the Simeons method; the overwhelming majority of medical reports are critical of it..."

So you see, friends?  Just don't fall for this ridiculous hoax.... Most health professionals say you can lose weight on a 1200-1800 calorie diet, so why drop down to 500??  It's completely unmaintainable... Of course you'll lose weight, because you're STARVING yourself.  And exactly what do you think will happen when you stop eating 500 calories a day and return to your normal eating habits??? Balloon up, is what!  Weight cycling (commonly referred to as yo-yo dieting) can often cause people to gain back the weight they lost AND MORE!  Further, some research links weight cycling with certain health risks including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, mental health issues and gallbladder disease, among others.  Studies have shown women who weight cycle gain MORE weight over time then women who do not.

People PLEASE!  USE YOUR HEADS!  THIS IS NOT HEALTHY!!  In fact, reducing your calories to this extreme, coupled with the minimal protein included in the diet actually sucks protein out of your organs...!  So it's stealing necessary nutrients from your ORGANS!  The very things that maintain your life and body!  

Curious about what this "diet" allows?  Here is the allowable meal plan:
Black coffee, no sugar, only 1 tablespoon of milk per 24 hour period.  Saccharin or Stevia may be used.  (Kris's note:  No food!)
1.  100 grams of veal, beef, chicken breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp.  All visible fat must be carefully removed before cooking and the meat must be weighed raw.  It must be boiled or grilled without adding additional at.  Salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or pickled fish are not allowed.  The chicken breast must be removed from the bird.
2.  One type of vegetable only to be chosen from the following:  spinach, chard, chicory, beet greens, green salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage.
3.  One breadstick (grissino) or one Melba toast
4.  An apple, orange or a handful of strawberries or one-half grapefruit.
(Kris's note:  do you know what 100 grams of meat looks like??  It's 3 golf ball??)
Same 4 options as above.

This sounds like a nightmare to me....  Not that these foods aren't wonderful, I love most of them on this list!  But ONLY those?  And ONLY 500 calories?  I would be bossy, bratty and grumpy if I only ate 500 calories per day....  Not to mention, we all know the dangers behind not eating FOOD for breakfast!  Forgot??  Let me remind you:
1.  Food is fuel
2.  Studies have linked healthy breakfasts with less chronic disease, increased longevity and better overall health.
3.  Breakfast boots your energy, increases your attention span, provides better emotional control and heightens your sense of well-being.
4.  Studies show children who start their day with a healthy breakfast do better in school and have shown a link between school breakfast programs and improved academic performance and psychosocial behavior.  
5.  Better brain power particularly when it comes to memory
6.  Healthier body weight even for breakfast eaters who end up eating MORE overall calories than those who routinely skip the first meal of the day....

If you're looking to drop some lbs it's basic math: Calories in vs. calories out...  
 1.  Take this 500 calorie diet and apply it to three meals a day, that would be 1500 calories per day... probably LESS than you're eating now!  (Seriously, most people are ignorant as to the number of calories they consume in a day...keep a food journal for a month, you'll be shocked.)  
2.  Get in 30-60 minutes of exercise each day for rapid weight loss, or 3 times per week for a slower, but more maintainable weight loss.  

The pounds will melt off, I guarantee it.  Seriously, I've done it....I worked my little booty off to lose 62lbs at one point in my life.. and I did it the healthy way over a 2 year period with diet and exercise.  No magic pills, no fad diets, no shakes or powders.  Now in all honesty I've gained some of that back due to laziness and delicious pizza/brownies/Thanksgiving feasts/getting married and whatever else I want to blame it on, but it really comes down to my choices. I own that.  Losing weight needs to be a maintainable lifestyle, not a temporary solution or a diet that you suffer though.  Reduce your calories, increase your exercise in a maintainable way so you don't get burnt-out and can actually LIVE healthily!

To my friend who is embarking on this 500 calorie diet:  Friend, you are an adult and I will respect your decisions.  But I beg you to rethink this.  Do your research.  TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR!  I understand you're feeling uncomfortable with your body right now, but that certainly does not mean you go anorexic! There are no quick fixes that will stick, this needs to be a lifestyle change!  And I'm here to support it!!!! Make it a plan to hop on your elliptical for 15 minutes every night after work and 30 minutes 3 nights a week.  Eat healthy, filling foods instead of frankenfood, snacks, chips and candy.  Snack on veggies and baked chips!  Want taco truck?  Totally cool...  Want birthday cake?  Me too! (ahem, ice cream too please!) But then adjust your calories during the day to make up for it, and be sure to fit in a few extra minutes on your elliptical at night.  This diet is not worth risking problems to your organs.  You have a little girl who looks up to you, how do you want her to view a healthy lifestyle and self image?  Fad diet?  Or living healthily?  Show her the right way while she's still young enough to learn it so SHE wont' be in our shoes in 20 years... Your life and your health are precious, don't risk them over some silly fad diet; do it the right way.  I love you!


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